Private Dowsing Tutorial
For any experience level. In-person or online
Service Description
Dowsing classes are social and great fun, but some people prefer a quieter, more personalised approach to learning. Private tutorials allow me to elaborate on topics with you in more depth and provide information that’s not presented in classes. Private tutorials can be done in-person or online from a distance, regardless of what timezone you're in. Recommended for any level from beginner to advanced. You can book (with single payments or a pre-paid plan) as many private tutorials as you want in order to reach your goals. Only one client per tutorial please. Dowsing is a skill that can be advantageous to your life in many ways: * Use it to improve your health and wellbeing * Utilise it to enhance the energy flow of your home and workplace * It can help protect you from non-beneficial energies * Regular practice improves your connection to Source and trust in Life * Practice can also improve your intuition, discernment and decision making Advantages of a private tutorial: * Tutorials are tailored to the individual client’s requirements * They can be focused on particular area and allow you work on things that you require extra help with * They enable you to learn at your own pace * They allow you to ask questions you may not feel confident asking in a group setting * They can fill in gaps in your knowledge * They can boost your confidence Requirements for in-person tutorials: Feel free to bring your own dowsing tools if you have them. If you don’t, a selection of pendulums and rods will be available for purchase before each class. Remember to bring a water bottle, notebook and pen, and appropriate footwear and clothing for the outdoor (advanced level) exercises. Requirements for online tutorials: Bring your own dowsing tools, notebook and pen.

Cancellation Policy
I turn other clients away so that I can hold your appointment time open for you, so please respect my 24 hour cancellation policy and let me know as soon as possible if you need to reschedule your appointment to avoid paying in full. Thank you.
Contact Details
140 Glengarry Road, Glen Eden, Auckland, New Zealand