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Sister Circle Sessions

Sister Circle Sessions are group biofield tuning and meditation sessions for women, facilitated by me, an intuitive and biofield tuning practitioner. Research shows that regular group therapy sessions like these can lead to a happier, healthier and longer life. Here’s what you need to know…

Sister Circle Session are biofield tuning sessions for women


It was a beautiful day, so I decided to lead my dowsing students (who all happened to be women) outside the classroom to the energy vortex in my backyard garden. We formed a circle around the vortex and activated it so that the energy flow increased measurably. Each student took turns standing in the middle of the circle as we directed healing intention to them. It was a unique experience which left a lasting impression on everyone. We all enjoyed the experience of giving and receiving healing so much that we agreed we should do this sort of thing more often. And so it was, that those who could (which was about six of us) met up once a week at one of our homes.


Initially our aim was to keep experimenting with ways to connect with Source energy and 

our enquiries lead us to many new revelations. For example, we discovered that Tibetan singing bowls can change frequency depending on who is playing them.

Our meetings were very organic and no two were the same, so we never knew what was going to happen. We all got such a lot out of every meeting that they became far more interesting, entertaining, nourishing and life-enhancing than staying at home and watching TV. But they were so much more than educational entertainment. As our friendships blossomed, we naturally talked more and more about our experiences and shared them with each other. We laughed, cried, hugged and laughed some more. It became like therapy and gave us something to look forward to each week. 


After the COVID lockdowns ended I noticed an upward trend of loneliness, boredom, emptiness, social fear and anxiety levels among many of my clients (who are mostly women). A common problem was they didn’t know who their tribe was and were too shy to reach out and find them. What they needed was someone to help them connect to one another. My guides made it clear that I could be facilitating this, but the problem was that I was a bit shy too, plus working with Source energy everyday on the job had made me increasingly energy sensitive and somewhat crowd averse, so I wasn’t sure if I could cope with leading a room full of people through a group session, but my guides were very insistent I give it a go. 

At one of our weekly meetings I pitched the idea of a monthly Super Sister Circle to my friends. They thought it was a good idea and helped me get the confidence to make it happen.

Our monthly sessions numbers have steadily been growing since we started in in September 2023, and during our December meeting we maxed out our hired half of the hall. (My guides had told me to hire a space that could expand with us and they weren’t wrong!) I’ve made great progress getting over my shyness and can honestly say that I am now looking forward to the time when we can fill the whole hall with our amazing feminine energy. 


Each Sister Circle Session is different, but we try and incorporate a familiar structure to each one and include…

  • A meet and greet

  • Cups of herbal tea

  • Building a centrepiece

  • Creating sacred space

  • Introductions

  • Intention setting for the session

  • A Biofield Tuning & meditation session

  • Small group intuition building practices

  • Sharing stories/experiences

  • Establishing & strengthening social connections


I have witnessed that when Biofield Tuning sessions are combined with meditation and visualisation the healing effects are much more powerful, and even more so when practised with a group. 

Social benefits

  • Builds trust and compassion

  • Strengthens community spirit and volunteering

  • Provides business networking opportunities

  • Creates friendships

  • Helps you find your tribe

Mental Health Benefits

  • Combats loneliness and boredom

  • Improves mood and positive outlook

  • Offers hope, encouragement and support

  • Experiments, activities and discussions offer learning opportunities

Spiritual Health Benefits

  • Spiritually uplifting

  • Amplifies the energy in the room so everyone can feel a shift

  • Improves individual energy awareness, intuition and discernment

  • Improves individual and group coherence and resonance with Source energy

  • May provide a shared energetic or spiritual experience that can inspire

  • Offers opportunities for personal growth

Physical Health Benefits

  • Improves vitality and the feeling of aliveness

  • Improves sleep patterns

  • Improves quality of life

  • Extends lifespan

This list of benefits is based on what I have experienced personally and observed for myself as well as the data I have collected from my surveys and other studies around the world. As you can see, these types of group sessions have possible health benfit at all levels. 


I would like to talk a little bit more about the last thing on the list because it intersects with the research I am undertaking at the moment which is centred on longevity. In my mission to live to 111 years old, I’ve been doing a lot of research and about two weeks ago I found a very informative and well presented doco on Netflix called ‘Living to 100, secrets of the Blue Zones.’ A blue zone is a place where there is a high number of people living to 100 or more, and there are 5 located in various places around the world. 

The researchers found that the centenarians who live in these 5 Blue Zones share common lifestyle habits in common without knowing it. Among the common factors are the expected things like: eating whole foods and a mainly plant based diet, not overstuffing themselves, drinking alcohol moderately, getting regular exercise, lowering stress levels and having a positive outlook… but there are also 4 other factors that weren’t so obvious.They found that HOW people connect is likely to be 50% of the longevity formula.

1) Finding your tribe

The research shows that both healthy and unhealthy behaviours are contagious and that if your 3 best friends are overweight, you are more likely to become overweight too. To get healthy behaviours to stick, it helps to have supportive tribe members to do them with. But because humanity is experiencing a global loneliness epidemic, there are many who are struggling to live their best life.

"Having the right friends is the biggest secret to helping people in the Blue Zones do the right things, and avoid the wrong things, so they’re not developing disease that will shorten their lives." - Dan Buettner (longevity researcher).

One of the best ways to overcome social anxiety and find your tribe is to become part of a community centred around an activity. By watching ‘Living to 100’ I learned that in Okinawa Japan these community centred tribes are called moai, which means ‘meeting for a common purpose’. They are social groups formed in order to provide varying support for social, financial, health or spiritual interests. 

2) Having Faith 

Interestingly, it is faith based activities that are shown to increase longevity the most. According to the research, it doesn’t matter what the faith is in, it’s sharing a belief in something greater than ourselves that’s the key to living longer. Resting in the belief that you have a purpose, you are important and that a higher power is watching out for you lowers stress levels and allows you to have real sense of peace and contentment.

3) Having a sense of purpose

While modern medicine may be keeping many people alive longer, many are losing their reasons to live. In Japan they call having a sense of purpose and putting your gifts to work everyday Ikigai, in Costa Rica they call it plan de vida. Knowing your sense of purpose is worth up to seven years of extra life expectancy, according to the research.

4) Volunteering

Giving your time and energy to a meaningful cause leads to joy and productive activities. People who volunteer have better memories, better social connections and report higher levels of happiness and report having a greater sense of purpose and meaning to their lives, because they are focusing on someone else other than themselves. “It is one of these subtlety powerful things that is vastly underlooked when it comes to the formula for longevity.” - Dan Buettner.

Sister Circle Sessions tick all those boxes... and who knows, one day the longevity experts might be studying us sisters when we are 100 years old.


We all have a spiritual cup that needs filling regularly, and we know from experience that we can’t fill it with material things. Our cup can only be filled by experiences and relationships that nourish and enrich our souls. When our cup is full we reap the benefits of having more energy, vitality, resilience, calmness, confidence and enthusiasm for life. Sister Circle fills my cup to overflowing every week and has improved my quality of life beyond measure. 

One of the unexpected ways Sister Circle has improved my life has been through my wardrobe choices. For a couple of decades I worked in the film industry and during that time I mostly dark coloured masculine clothes to fit in (and hide the dirt and sweat). Even though I had lots of beautiful clothes that I had made for myself during my previous career as a fashion designer, I didn’t wear them, even to go out socially, fearing I would be too visible (tall poppy syndrome was prevalent in the film industry) or that I would ruin them somehow. I was ‘saving’ them for a special occasion that never arrived. 

Sister Circle has provided me with the special occasions I was waiting for and inspired me to reconnect with my feminine side and to wear more colours... even white (gasp!) I now dress to make myself happy and to inspire others to shine their light brighter. I love that at Sister Circle there are no mind games, no competition, no fakeness. We have permission to fully be ourselves. 

Sister Circle is medicine for the Body, Mind and Soul and I would like every one of YOU to experience how great that feels. By coming along to our larger monthly meetings, you might find some sisters you especially connect with, which might turn out to be precisely the tribe members you’ve been looking for. It may even inspire you to start your own mini circle. Here’s hoping. I look forward to seeing you there!



  • Yoga mat

  • Pillow

  • Blanket

  • Water bottle

  • An offering to Mother Earth for the centrepiece. (It could be a flower, stone, stick, shell, feather, or something else that inspires.)

  • Crystal or pounamu to wear during the mediation (highly recommended)

  • Dowsing pendulum or oracle cards (optional)

Wear comfortable clothing. Tea is provided. 


We meet on the third Thursday of every month from 7:30pm-9:30pm.


Green Bay Community House

1 Barron Drive

Green Bay



Book seats for you and your friends through my website.

Entry is $18 per person.

If you would prefer to pay by cash or bank transfer please contact me via my website contact page.


If you have been to a Sister Circle Session and would like to give your feedback, you are welcome to take part in my survey.

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